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What are you good at?

Howdy dudes … 🙂

Do you ever wondering whether you are suited to be an Engineer, Doctor, Policeman, Artist, Hitman, Spy, or even a killer? :p heheheh…. Or perhaps….thinking.. why are you enjoying working as a banker as compared to being a politician? Well…..If you do, then this post might give you a good way to answer those questions 🙂

See and check it out 🙂

So…… I received an interesting email with an attachment of an Excel’s file to test the strengths of each of our intelligences. Well.. since it seems interesting, I tried answering the questions. Based on the answers given, the Excel file automatically calculates the strength of my intelligences (using Howard Gardner’s MI Model) and shows the results in graph form.

This is what I got:


So…… Based on the results, it seems that I am more dominant in “Logical-Mathematical” and “Spatial-Visual”. Well…. don’t worry about the terms, since you can find the explanation for each of those terms in the file itself (second sheet).

“Logical-Mathematical” means that I am good at logical thinking, detecting patterns, scientific reasoning and deduction, analyze problem, perform mathematical calculations, and understands relationship between cause and effect towards a tangible outcome or result. While the second one, “Spatial-Visual”, means that I am good at visual and spatial perception; interpretation and creation of visual images; pictorial imagination and expression; understands relationship between images and meanings, and between space and effect.

Hmmm…………… too many things to understand from those terms above :p heheheh….. So let just cut to the chase. The conclusion is, based on the typical roles given for being strong in “Logical-Mathematical” and “Spatial-Visual”, I am suited to be an Engineer 😀 Yayy…..!!!! that one is surely a surprise! And here I thought that I was making a big mistake of taking Mechanical Engineering as my field of study :p hehehehheeh…………

So… what about yours?? Wanna try it out?? You can get the Excel’s file by saving it from this link. Just right click on it and choose Save as (IE) or Save link as (Firefox). But, please take note that, since wordpress does not allowed any files other than jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, and ppt format to be uploaded, I have to change the extention to jpg. Just change the extension to xls when you save the file. Make sure that you open the file using Microsoft Excel. If you have to, you can refer to Window’s help file to know how to use a certain application to open your file 🙂

notes: I got the file via email. It’s not mine, and I am not trying to get any advantage by sharing it in my blog. I believe that the file is free to be distributed. But, in case this file is protected or copyrighted, please do let me know so that I can remove it from my blog. Big thanks for your help 😀

32 Responses

  1. Wiku, hasil tesnya sama denganku. Tapi ada test lain yang lebih spesifik, sayangnya dulu test diadakan oleh psikiater yang kebetulan mengajar di pelatihan.

    Yang lebih spesifik lagi: saya cenderung ke analisis, jadi pekerjaan sebagai banker udah cocok, tapi sebaiknya dibidang yang berkaitan dengan analisis, seperti: Account Officer, Credit Risk Management, Manajemen Risiko, Pendidikan & Pelatihan, Akunting& Manajemen Keuangan. Yang kurang cocok adalah di bidang marketing…huhuhu

  2. Ma dominan-nya interpersonal sama musical,, 😛

  3. Edratna: Wahh… kalau marketing ga cocok, mungkin shopping jadi cocok Bu :p heheheh….

    Rizma: Wahh… musical ya 🙂 Pantesan blognya rame dengan warna 😀 Hehehhe… interpersonal saya rendah nih 😦 Minta ajarin deh entar :p

  4. belum pernah ikutan testnya sih, tapi kata orang2 i’m good in a bed…GREAT malah.
    tapi ga gw pamer2in….hhehehehe

  5. heeh,, musical = warna??

    Ma sih pengen juga kalo yang matematika ato apa gitu yang tinggi,, biar keren,, halah,,

    heheheheh,, interpersonal itu mungkin gara gara Ma super duper cerewet,, 😛

  6. Benx: Halah… masa sih benx?? Kemaren buktinya cuma segitu aja :p kekkekeke…

    Rizma: Yup2… berdasarkan pengamatan selama bertahun-tahun… yang musical biasanya hidupnya penuh dengan warna. Mulai kamar, buku, diary, mobil, rumah, dsb… Ma gimana? penuh warna kan?? 😀
    Kayaknya cerewet itu nyumbang 10% aja Ma, sisanya dari pesona :p kekekkeke

  7. wah mau dicoba dulu … nanti saya laporkan hasilnya pak! halah .. siapa juga mau baca hasilnya 😀

  8. Sandy eggi: Hasilnya dilaporin ke sini atuh. Kita2 pada mau baca kok. Siapa tau elo cocok jadi hitman.. kan kita bisa pake servisnya :p kekekke

  9. “Logical-Mathematical” em,,, pantesan…tiap ad sesuatu yang bisa di itung,, ngitung mulu.. ampe pusing dah ngedengernya.. 😦
    em,, kalo ak,,,hasil nya…waduh pokokna yang personal personal dah,, pas kek nya masuk komunikasi… padahal sempet befikiran salah masuk jurusan 😛 em,, ntar aku kalo dah gede mo jadi apa ya??? hihihihihi

  10. waktu itu kan habis ngerjain PR Metro dari si Babe, bos..
    ya emang udah ga ada tenaga atuh, hehehhee.

  11. Wiku,
    hummm… my marks were merely average, no significant domination. =)…

    Good in bed for what? sleeping? You sleep too much…

  12. Great thing, I’ll try it. Thanks friend.

  13. I just try it. Here the result :
    Linguistic=33; Logical-Mathematical=33; Musical=26; Bodily-Kinesthetic=27; Spatial-Visual=27; Interpersonal=33; Intrapersonal=23.
    Please, help me to interpretate it Wil.

  14. cutelittlefie: wew… kalo dah gede jadi ibu rumah tangga yang baik aja ya :p kekekkekek… biar keluarganya bahagia 😀

    Benx: Wew… Si goyo walau dah kerja rodi di kantor masih jauh lebih kuat benx… kekekkekek :p

    Goio: come on… don’t tell me you got exactly the same marks for each of them??

    Anas: You’re welcome 🙂

    Rendra: Errr… hmmm… so basically…. you suck!!! kekekekekekkeke …. just kidding. You got good marks at three subjects. Wow… thats amazing 🙂 Based on what you got, it seems to me that you are an Engineer who can persuades and have a good relationships with your friends 🙂 hehehehhe….

  15. i think i’m good at commenting? 😛

  16. waaaa,, Ma belom ngelapor nilai nih,,

    Linguistic 36
    Logical-Mathematical 25
    Musical 37
    Bodily-Kinesthetic 26
    Spatial-Visual 31
    Interpersonal 36
    Intrapersonal 30

    nilainya ada yang jelek banget gitu,, 😀

  17. Ikram: Yupp…yupp… it seems so :p hehehehhe

    Rizma: Wow… 😀 hebatttt… bisa dapet 3 topik yang di atas 35 🙂 Heheheh… Orang Palembang hebat2 ya :p kekkekeke…. Jadi.. berhubung Ma itu kuliah kedokteran, mungkin nanti bagus kalo jadi psikiater (interpersonal ama linguistic) sambil nyambi jadi penyanyi di organ tunggal RT/RW :p hehhehe…. (Makmano pempek yang kito omongi kemaren? Jadi ngerem dak?? :p)

  18. wah aku skor tertinggi nya
    musik sama body kinestetic .. padahal aku suka yang visual … tapi musik juga suka sih .. 😀

  19. Sandy eggi: Wakakkakaka 😆 Kalo gitu mungkin elo harus pindah bidang dari IF pak :p kekekekek…. Kalo musical ama bodily-kinesthetic, gimana kalo elo pindah ke seni tari :p atau jadi penari 😀 (kidding bos :D)

  20. berhubung Ma itu kuliah kedokteran, mungkin nanti bagus kalo jadi psikiater (interpersonal ama linguistic) sambil nyambi jadi penyanyi di organ tunggal

    hehehehe,, tapi ujungnya ga keren banget,, 😀
    (bukan dak galak, jauh gino,,) 😆

  21. begh…saya test kog ga da yang nyampe 30 ya? :((

    Intelligence type your totals
    Linguistic 28
    Logical-Mathematical 29
    Musical 24
    Bodily-Kinesthetic 21
    Spatial-Visual 26
    Interpersonal 29
    Intrapersonal 23

    jadi saya itu yang bagus katanya logic-math ama interpersonalnya…heuheu dah cocok la yaa anak IF nyahahahahaha, eh tapi apa lebih berhubungan ama user?
    *mikir dalem-dalem*

  22. Rizma: 😆 wakakakkakaka……. (yo sudah amen mak itu. Gek kami datengi bae Palembangnyo :p)

    Ninoy: Wah.. wah.. wah.. anka IF-nya cocok kok 😀 Hmmm… hmm…. yang kepikiran sekarang…. Kamu kayaknya cocok ama sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan komputer dan orang2…. Hmm… penjaga warnet? :p kekekekkekekekke

  23. Ikut lapor nilai juga deh heheheh..
    Intelligence type your totals
    Linguistic 37
    Logical-Mathematical 32
    Musical 32
    Intrapersonal 31
    Bodily-Kinesthetic 24
    Spatial-Visual 28
    Interpersonal 25

    Cocok banget deh emang..anak IT belajar bahasa..bahasa pemrograman mungkin yah hi3..

    Btw lam kenal yah ^.^

  24. Chie: Wew… kok anak2 IT pada bagus2 di Linguistic ya?? Pada pindah ke jalur politik aja gih 😆

  25. hiks..
    gue logical-mathematical yang paling jelas tinggi walaupun averagely similar.. Tapi kan gue gak suka matematik? Padahal gue jurusan matematik.. hehehhe…
    gimana donk ya…

  26. Duy: *gaya konsultan* Ehmm.. ehmm… kayaknya kamu dah kadung cocok di matematik… jadi pasrah aja ya 😛 kekekeke

  27. begh…..saya disuruh jadi penjaga warnet? moh ah ntar warnetnya terancam penuh banget gara2 penjaganya manis dan menawan hati *di tabokin tetangga se kampung*

  28. Ninoy: Sighhh… disaranin penjaga warnet ga mau. Hmm… komputer ama hubungan dengan orang2… Ooo… gimana kalo jadi Penyanyi?? Kekekekeke 😛 ga nyambung deh jadinya 😳

  29. wah.. nilai tertinggi gue spasial-visual.. brarti cocok dong gue jadi anak plano.. heheheh.. tapi ahhh..tesnya tidak reliable nih.. ]

    pertama, soal pe-ranking-an (disagree-slightly-agree) itu batasannya tidak jelas dan selalu jadi masalah di dunia perstatistikan (hihi.. kalo tak salah)..

    kedua, masa hasil tes gue yang terbagus kedua adalah di linguistic? salah nihh.. jelas2 bahasa jepang gue gak maju2 dari setaun lalu.. *hihihi.. padahal harusnya hasilnya jadi bikin termotivasi blajar bahasa jepang yah? :D.. * ahhh.. tapi salah nih pastiiii.. 😀

  30. Qnoi: Makanya rankingmu dipastiin dong neng 😀 Walau ga bener2 klop hasilnya ama yang dirasakan, paling enggak kan mendekati hasil yang sebenernya 😛 Hehehhe…
    Soal Linguistic… hmmm… kayaknya sih bener banget tuh hasilnya. Kan dikau… suka… ber***** 😀 (tebak tuh isinya apa :P)

  31. Hello

    Great book. I just want to say what a fantastic thing you are doing! Good luck!


  32. Tovorinok: Great Book?? Errrrrr…….. ok…… thanks …..

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