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When two become one

“Because we have grown in knowledge and love for one another; because we agree in our desire to go forward into life seeking a richer and ever deepening relationship; and because we have pledged ourselves to meet sorrow and joy as one family, we affirm that we are now husband and wife” (clap…. clappp… claappppp πŸ˜€ )

That sentence stroke me as I surfs the internet for the information about marriage. The most sacred thing which we human possessed. Don’t get the wrong idea though… I am not getting married. Planning to.. but still waiting for the right time, place, and of course…. the right one πŸ˜€

So… what happen is.. I suddenly have this kind of urge to find the information about marriage from the internet. This is because.. a few days ago, I received a message from my friend in Indonesia. And… he said that… he is getting married next month (Congratulations mate πŸ˜€ Wish you all the best)

The marriage itself is not the interesting part which I want to share with you today πŸ™‚ The thing is, he send me a link, to a site where he put his wedding invitation and all others information related with their marriage. Their first meeting, pictures, family, mailing list for the wedding (yes, mailing list πŸ˜› quite interesting isn’t it πŸ˜€ ), location map, Honeymoon plan, and even the atendance confirmation πŸ™„ And… woww… I was amazed!!! :mrgreen: This is the first time I saw such thing. I mean, the conventional way in our culture is by sending the invitation through the mail, phone, or email. But this one is really different. Genius!!! I would say πŸ˜€

When I saw the site, I felt that this is a really wonderful way to invite people. You can share your love stories in it. You can store as much pictures as you like. And you can put the location map there. In addition to that, you can put in the attendance confirmation in the website so that the guests can inform their attendance beforehand. This will make it easier for you to cater the food during the wedding πŸ˜€ The guests are also able to put in their comments on the site. Its really easy… and fast πŸ™‚ The guests will always able to see the wedding infos whenever they are online.

Well… it might be a little bit overboard in a way, since the internet connection in Indonesia is not really that good as compared to the other advanced country, but hey… its a start πŸ™‚ A good start ….. For now, it might be the additional means to invite your friends, but who knows. It might the the only way used for wedding invitation in the future πŸ˜€

So.. are you interested to use this for your wedding?? πŸ™‚ My friend gave me the website provider used in his wedding website:

Nowadays, internet becomes so popular in our society’s life. People have been familiar w/ internet and they’re accustomed to use it in their daily activities. Wedding invitation is also changing. People love to make a personal website, as d alternative of conservative invitation card. Due to trend, we as a young couple who have been addicted w/ internet, also want to announce our big day using personal website. U can find personal wedding website providers by looking for in search engine. But, u have to make sure whether it’s secure to use their service in order to make ur own website. We’ve already checked website providers, and our choice came to ewedding.com. This provider is secure, they use paypal as d way to pay d account, and also provide vary templates. U can easily design ur website. So, if u’re interested to use website as ur innovative invitation, perhaps u can try to utilize
this provider.

Well…. another way to do this is by using a blog πŸ™‚ The website address might not be the same with what you have in mind, but mots likely it will be free πŸ™‚ Or you could just add another page in your blog to cater the wedding part πŸ˜€ Theres a lot of ways to do this. But, its not the means that important. Its the idea of using the website πŸ˜€

Soo… who’s next?? 8)

20 Responses

  1. Dude, this thing (internet wedding invitation) has been around for quite some time… and yes, blog can be use for that purpose too =)…

    I wish I could be the next one, Wik … *sigh…

    btw, you said:
    he send me a link, to a site where he put his wedding invitation and all others information related with their marriage.

    I thought it was me who sent the link to you… I should’ve get the credit, man! hehehehehe…

  2. wow, great and fun way to tell all of our friends i think. But may be there’s someone that think if it is impolite way may be.

  3. Goyo: Yup… yup… it seems to be that way. But… That was my first time seeing it πŸ˜€ Heehehhe… So its a new thing for me πŸ™‚
    You wanna be the next one? Deal…. πŸ˜€ Do it before this year end dude πŸ™‚ I’ll be more than happy to help you with the wedding πŸ˜›
    About the link, well.. you did. But I didn’t look at the website at that time. I just knew that he is getting married πŸ˜› so.. No credit for you… Hahhahaahh πŸ˜†

    Anas: True… it might happen that way. Although, I can’t help to wonder… impolite in what way?? πŸ™„ Hmm… the main thing is the invitation and wedding information πŸ™‚ As long as the infos are received by the intended guests, I think it should be ok, right? Its actually much better then not being invited at all, don’t you think? πŸ˜› Hohohoho….

  4. Nice stuff to try, but not now (for me, hue’e’e’e).

  5. Boleh juga tuh idenya…mumpung belum mantu….hehehe

  6. bos…bikin artikel lanjutannya ya?
    yang three become one, ato for become one..okeh
    lagi bingung nie soalnya.

  7. wah itu mah dah dari dulu …. banyak juga situs yang menyediakan fitur itu .. dan itu dah kewajiban kayaknya buat orang2 yang menikah dan yang temennya banyak di internet … setidaknya doa bisa di post dari website itu …

    ini ada contoh nya ..

    Temen2 Just Married!

    Kakaknya temen Just Married!

  8. eh link terakhir salah deng

    Kakaknya temen

    Mau contoh yang laen ke weddingpath aja πŸ˜€

    Sapa tau mau bikin website nya dulu .. sebelum ketemu the right one…

  9. Ma langsung mikir lagunya spice girl lho wiku,, πŸ˜›

    Hmm?? nikah??? kapan ya?? πŸ™„

  10. @wiku

    Agree, better than not at all.

  11. @wiku: Hahaha…so sad ^^. Still waiting for the right one? Wew, if “someone” hears about this, how will she reacts, huh? πŸ˜€ Will she be mad? ^^ Hehe I’m curious to see her reaction.huehuehuehue

  12. bos…kalo gw nikah masih lama
    tapi kawin sih udah, apa perlu gw bikin situs nya juga ya?

  13. hehe setuju tuh sama Mridwana, coba wiku klo dia denger wiku masih nunggu the right one, gmn ya reaksinya? heuheu bakal ada perang dunia ke 3 kah? πŸ˜›

  14. Waduh waduh… maapkan baru bisa balesin komennya. Barusan kelar pindahan ke Indo lagi soalnya πŸ˜›

    FRL: Waiting for your trial πŸ™‚ DOn’t forget to send us the invitation, k? πŸ˜€

    Ibu Edratna: Wahh… wah… dah mau ngambil mantu Bu? Boleh daftar kah? πŸ˜›

    Benx: Arghh… kirain elo teh penganut paham anti nikah Bos? πŸ˜€

    Sandy Eggi: Ehh.. dah basi toh beritanya? πŸ˜₯ sniff… sniff… dah liat link yang dikasih. Keren juga πŸ˜€

    Rizma: Nikah nikah… buruan Ma!! 😈

    Anas: Wahh… sepakat kita πŸ˜›

    Ridwan: Shhtttt….. she’s been mad at me for two weeks by now πŸ˜› Hehehhehe…..

    Benx: Wakakkaka… elo mah ga usah bikin blog buat itu mah Benx. Secara selebritis kayak elo beritanya pasti dah tersebar tanpa perlu promosi πŸ˜›

    Ninoy: Hahahhahaa…. bener banget. Ampir kena talak saya kemaren πŸ˜› hihihih… kapok deh …. padahal itukan “salah tulis” πŸ˜› kekekkeke….

  15. HO HO HO

  16. who’s next? salah seorang temen gw yang baru gw kenal,bulan depan! banyak yang nikah ya akhir2 ini?? sama..kayanya banyak yang baru melahirkan! hehehe….

  17. teknologi mangkin maju jangan2 nanti malah nikahan secara online πŸ™‚

  18. @roffi : rasanya pernah ada deh itu. jadi si istri di indonesia, suaminya di amerika gitu? dan emreka nikah dengan webcam gitu. gw pernah denger tuh! dan itu pernah dipertanyakan keabsahannya sama bberapa orang, karena kedua mempelai tidak berada pada satu tempat yang sama, tapi menurut ulama, hal itu sah2 aja, karena yang penting syarat2 pernikahannya dipenuhi (yaitu ada mempelai, wali, dan saksi)

  19. wohoho….ngeliat hal2 semacam ini, kayanya indah banget kalo bikin website nikahan bersama2 The One. iya, indah bikin websitenya!! *ngelamun*

    kalo life after wedding party, euh….gw masih pesimis soal ini, ku.
    Intinya, i wonder apakah suatu saat ada kesempatan gw bikin2 ginian? (nikahnya, i mean..bikin website doang mah gampang..)*tertawa terkekeh*

    Kenapa sih orang mau menikah? *jeduk2in kepala ke tembok*
    bener ga sih ada The One *ngelap darah di kepala*

  20. Antisalafy: HO HO HO juga… dah kayak sinterklas aja mampir pake acara ho ho ho segala πŸ˜› kekekekek

    muthe: Wew… sapa tuh temennya? Muthe kapan? πŸ˜› kekekekke…

    Roffi: Iya Fi. Kemaren denger2 ada yang udah nikah online tuh pake internet. Entah entar berkeluarganya online atau enggak πŸ˜› Cuma kupikir sayang aja kalo nikahnya harus online segala. Kayak ga bisa ketemu sama sekali aja. Toh, kalo emang ga bisa ketemu, ga perlu nikah kali ya? bener ga? πŸ˜€

    muthe: Makasih dah bantuin jawab πŸ™‚ Gimana Fi? Jangan2 kamu minat nikah online nih? 😈

    Anandita: Hahhahaha…. udah mulai mengkhayal aja nih πŸ˜› kekekek…. Kesempatan mah pasti aja. Yakin aja. Tar kalo udah mentok dateng ke saya deh. Biar tak ketawain πŸ˜› kekekkeke (kidding ah πŸ˜€ ). Soal kenapa orang nikah? wahh… yang ini terlalu dalem buat saya euy. Ga bisa jawab πŸ˜›

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