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Streaming Metro and Trans TV… Why not?

Howdy… dudes πŸ™‚

This time, lets cover up a way to watch Indonesian TV channels from the internet (streaming). Well… it seems that this post will be limited…. again… for Indonesian readers who are overseas (since they can’t get the transmission) and for those people (indonesian) who have computer and internet, but no TV :p (e.g. white-collar workers during office hour :p). Never mind that, at least this post has some target readers :p hehehhe…. So… Is it possible?? Why not. Just like goyo said.. “Impossible is nothing”, right goys? πŸ˜€

So… after reading this post… you will be able to watch two TV channels.. namely Metro TV and Trans TV… live.. πŸ™‚ Hmm… it seems like an advertisement, isn’t it? :p But… this post has nothing to do with those two TV stations (too bad, I can’t get money from this… sighhh). This post is only made to share to those people (readers) who are interested on watching Indonesian TV. Why do you need to watch it, you say? Well, you can answer it by yourself. If you need it, try it. If you don’t, turn it off πŸ˜€

So… how? check this out, dudes…. πŸ˜€

To stream the channels on your computer, you need an internet connection. I know its obvious… it just to make sure that “someone” out there doesn’t make a mistake :p heheheh…

Firstly, you need the software πŸ™‚ Go to Indline website and download the installation file. Oh ya… this is their url: http://www.indline.com/ πŸ™‚ You can download the file by pointing your mouse on top of the download link, and choose “Indline application”. Yupp… the site will ask you to save the file (indline_setup.exe). Save it in your computer. Install the software!! There you go… you’ve finished the first step.

Before you can use the software, you need an account to log in. So… back to their website again. Point your mouse on top of the registration link and choose “Registration”. Just follow the instruction until you got your account. Ok… now you’re good to go. Open the software… and log ini using your new account. You will see a small UI (see the figure below) in which you have a few options of what you can do with it. This software actually has more features than just streaming TV channels. But, those are left for you to find out for yourself. I am just going to explain the streaming part, k? πŸ™‚

So… what you have to do now is to click the entertainment menu (second menu from the left). Choose TV channels, and click on the channels that you want to see. You have two options here, Metro Live and Trans Live. Pick one, or two if you have to πŸ™‚ There you go, you all set. Just wait for a while (buffering) and it will shows you the TV shows. I have already tried it with my friend in Germany , and it seems that the speed is quite acceptable. Depend on the internet connection (probably the connection in Indonesia since we are having the same lag when we watch it together), the streaming is quite good πŸ™‚ Just sit back and enjoy πŸ˜€


Important notes:

1. I got this info from one of the Indonesian student in NTU, who is kind enough to share it through the campus public folder. So… the credits should go to him, in case Metro and Trans TV are kind enough to give… so called… advertisement fee :p Heheheh…

2. I am not responsible for any negative effect of using this software to your computer.

3. If… you are fired (from watching TV while working :p)… I am sorry to say that its merely your fault πŸ™‚ so… use it with care :p

79 Responses

  1. Nice info, wik…
    Question, if I may (yes you may, Goi), Ummm, is this streaming tv going to have the same shows as the regular tv back home? Including all the movies, ads, news… sinetron?!? … hehehehe

    Just want to make sure it’s worth it to do all the steps =)… thanks…

  2. Goyo: Well… thats the thing, dude. Although I saw news, Sinetron, Movies, etc; by streaming, but the contents still haven’t been confirmed, whether its really the same with the actual TV shows or not. I’ll check it out later, or… maybe you can help me with this πŸ™‚

  3. I feel that I have know the methode similar with your information above. But I forget.,, may be from CHIP magazine. And I don’t yet try it. For 1 hours watching, how bytes we have pay for it?

  4. Rendra: Hmmm… Sorry Ndra. I can’t answer that question. I thought you have a software to calculate the bandwidth usage of your internet connection?? Care to find out?? πŸ˜€ We are looking forward for your feedback dude.

  5. I won’t to do it :p. I have TV Tuner, he he he…

  6. can we watch FTV (fashion TV) using this program? πŸ˜€

  7. Salam kenal,
    Numpang lewat juga..dan baca2 ding..

  8. Danang: Sorry… you can’t, dude πŸ˜€ If I find another software for that one, I’ll let you know, k? πŸ˜€

    Ika: Salam kenal juga. Thanks udah mampir πŸ™‚

  9. kalo siaran porno bisa?

    menarik juga.


  10. Hahaha, kalau siaran porno, di jerman mah banyak. Sinetron tengah malam di akhir minggu ^^ di stasiun xxx dan yyy (sensor….)

  11. Benx: Halah halah… itu mah elo download aja pak :p kekekkeke
    Ridwan: Wew… serius lo?? πŸ˜€ Hayuks hayuks… berangkat kesana gw :p

  12. wah..bisa dicoba nih.. kemarin ada juga streaming dari Indosiar.. tapi sekarang kayaknya udah dihapus.. tapi yang dari trans dan metro ..belum pernah coab..

  13. bos..kalo di singapur bintang bokep terkenalnya sapa?
    bulan depan balik ke Indo bawain yak..
    persyaratan masuk geng mesum

  14. Prim: Monggo dicoba πŸ™‚ Streaming indosiar?? Wahhh… bagi infonya dong πŸ˜€
    Benx: Bintang bokepnya disini cuma gw benx yang terkenal. Jadi pas gw balik ke bandung ga perlu bawa siapa2 lagi … kekekekkeke :p

  15. wakakakaka….bagus sih memberitahukan pada khalayak ramai cara menggunakan streaming…tapi ujungnya…hwekekekeke…untunglah gw bukan penggemar nonton TV. eh2..tuh lanjutan yang prolog udah gw post! hehehe….

  16. Muthe: Hhhehehe… salahkan pembaca 1 ama pembaca 2 aja deh… saya cuma menimpali kok :p kekekekkeke…. Btw… lanjutan prolognya dah tak baca πŸ™‚ Tampak menarik… lanjutin lagi ya entar πŸ˜€

  17. mawu coba aaaah sapa tau kalo lagi santey di kantor bisa nyambi nonton gossip -alah- tapi ko ya loginnya failed mulu, padahal settingan dah sesuai..apa ga kuwat bandwithnya? -alah ngomong apa sih?-

  18. hueeeeeeeeee loginnya gagal mulu…sebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel :((

  19. Ninoy: HEhehhe… ada yang mau minta dipecat rupanya :p kekkekekeke….. kayaknya emang ga kuat tuh buat internet disana :p bandwidth-nya kemakan ama blogger :mrgreen:

  20. priben wil, bli bisa diplay ning vista euy!!! :((

  21. Muri: Waduh mur… Vista masih banyak masalah euy menurutku. Salah satunya ya kayak yang elo alamin sekarang πŸ˜› Ganti ke XP aja lagi πŸ˜› kekekeke….

  22. bos… bagus jg nonton tv di net.. krn klo lg ngga di dalam negeri susah jg nonton tv indonesia

  23. hoi bos… bisa nih.. aku coba… thanks ya.. klo ada lg info seputar steaming please tell me.. thanks

  24. Maaf mas Saya gak bisa bahasa inggris,, ada g terjemahan kebahasa indonesia… supaya gw bisa nonton live lewat internet….?

  25. Kuspito: Terima kasih kembali πŸ™‚ Thank you berat nih dah mau mampir

    Akuzili: Waduhh… 😦 Maapin, versi bahasa Indonesia-nya saya ga bikin. Temen2 yang laen ada yang mau bantu ngasih terjemahan? πŸ™‚

  26. aku mau tanya lagi,, n lam kenal j y wiku,, klo mau nonton chanel tv lain gm tu yang ada cuma metro n trans tv,, klo trans 7 gm?? n Tv2 luar deh!!??

  27. Akuzili: Salam kenal juga πŸ™‚ Yang tv2 luar ada kok. Kemaren saya dapet link acara tv2 dari UK dari temenku. Tak cari dulu ya linknya. Tar kalo dah dapet pasti tak kabarin πŸ˜€

  28. oke aku tunggu!

  29. Akuzili: Nih linknya πŸ˜€

  30. y so difficult to key in the user name ?
    what should i do ?

  31. di user name nya ada 3 pilihan
    new member,
    existing member,
    edit user list,
    gw coba k3nya, tapi ngga bisa juga
    gimanaaaaa donk…
    plis…..teng kiu ya…

  32. alo wik…koq ga bisa register yahhh??? anehhh katanya ada yg belon keisi…padahal udah isi semua tuh???

  33. Top Deh.

    Cuma mau tanya streamnya gimana ya. Soalnya aku juga mau membantu stream TV nih lewat website sendiri. Kaya film film indo di website ku.

    Pakai software apa untuk streaming tv live??? buat community indonesia.
    InternetKu model Premium

  34. asyik dapat lihat TV Indonesia di mana pun. asyik! thanks for the info, bro!

  35. nice idea bro!!!! feel like home gw sekarang ada di gurun neeh di UAE

  36. My website will come
    with more Live TV *** TVRI **** INDOSIAR **** ANTV **** TRANSTV ****

    I am just searching for a good decoder if i find one.
    It’s online soon……


    The IndoMaffia Productions 2007

  37. kayak nya Wiku lagi sibuk banget nech…
    ada yg bisa bantuin gw ngga ya ???
    kok gw ngga bisa masukin USER NAME nya ya ?
    buat Munggur n Mujibay, pliiiiiisss kasih tau gw ya ?

  38. Hi wiku, nice to meet you… it’s sound very interesting but is that safe? no spyware, phising, etc? Thanks.

  39. mas wiku.. ada update ttg s/w indline to vista ga..? aku pengen nonton transtv. ato gak info url laen deh yg bisa nonton transtv:) tq.

  40. Dang!!! I just got this info today, and tried it on my Mac..it doesn’t seem to work tho. Anyone can help?

  41. fake

  42. gue kok gak bisa masuk di http://www.indline.com, jawabnya>> You don’t have permission to access / on this server. knp ya ini

  43. salut banget deh ama bang wiku dan ama bang indomaffia yang ngasih info tv kita,thanks ya bro.
    dari sobatmu diyanbu saudia arabia salam juga ama temen2x seperjuangan digulf country, keep fight to survival

  44. nih aku kasi tau bagi teman yang tidak bisa pake indline,ini urlnya transtv yang bisa dibuka di window media – player:mms://

  45. udah ada streaming trans TV, tolong tambahin streaming trans 7 donk πŸ˜›

  46. this indline’s software didn’t work in my pc which located in helsinki. I have tried to follow all your instructions above but I don’t know somehow it just didn’t work here. it said that the filter could not be opened. I would appreciate if you could tell me what was wrong with it or give some other suggetions. thank you

  47. guys tolong in dong
    gua gak bisa login tuh di streaming medianya
    padahal kalo masuk ke acces member area di webnya bisa
    padahal nonton tv lewat media player bisa…
    napa ya?? please dech helpme

  48. connectionnya 100Mbps loh…
    help me dung

  49. ada cara yg lbh mudah neh. sekedar sharing aja. http://intl.imediabiz.tv
    enjoy smua. :p

  50. bos.. gw dah register dll.. kog gak bisa streaming yaakk.. terus ada feature yang gak bisa kbuka tuh…. apa masalahnya yak??

  51. Wow… terribly sorry for my late reply. I haven`t checked my blog for quite some time. Hmmm…

    Alex n Vi: Wahh… maap. Di saya ga dapet masalah gitu euy. Jadi ga tau solusinya 😦

    Indomafia: Hmm… good luck with that. Sorry that I can`t help you πŸ™‚

    Munggur n Mujibay: You`re welcome

    Others: Hmm… I`m not sure why you have a problem with the software. Please read the `help and support` part. If you still can`t solve it, I suggest you send them an email and ask for the solution πŸ™‚ thanks…

  52. mas wiku, saya mo nanya, gimana yaa caranya supaya saya bisa ikutan nonton metro dan trans tv seperti yg laennya ???? tolongin dong mas….. ato kepada yg temen2 yg laennya juga, klo ada yg tau infonya, tolong kasih tau dong… terimakasih.

  53. Yudha: Wew… tampaknya saya ga bisa bantu Yud. Pertama karena saya ga ngalamin masalah itu, yang kedua karena saya belum mencari tahu lebih dalam soal masalah yang kamu hadapin. Buat temen2 yang laen, barangkali ada yang jago di komputer atau tau cara ngatasin masalah yang dihadapin Yudha, mohon penjelasannya yak πŸ™‚ Thanks…

  54. thnx buat info nya…btw, do i have to pay to watch trans/metro live…if yea how much???

  55. gini nih kan gw coba video streaming trans 7 di http://intl.imediabiz.tv/ n im just wondering, bayar ngga klo aku nonton disitu??????

  56. n also gimana caranya aku kasi terminate/hapus accountku…

  57. koq gw login kaga bisa yah????
    tulisannya failed mulu capeeeeee deh

  58. nak tengok tv indosiar,sctv, astro dan banyak lagi sila kunjungi ke laman ini HOTTV MALAYSIA ONLINE

  59. Na ja, kok saya ga bisa nonton juga ya…
    apa masalahnya yak…
    dibilang “The source filters for the file could not be loaded.”

    wah.. repot deh..
    ada yang punya masalah kayak saya ga ?
    mohon bantuannya donk.
    thx yah..

  60. tried it..good..but went bad when it’ll always paused in 10mins..so have to open new window..again…
    any idea on how to make it constantly watched?
    haahahhaha..anyway thanks…

  61. […] Metro and Trans TV… Why not?indriaherman on Industrial visit to Makinolala on Streaming Metro and Trans TV… Why not?rendra on Industrial visit to Makinoharry on Streaming Metro and Trans TV… […]

  62. ???##!!!

  63. ga bisa tuh. kenapa ya? bisa dibantu

  64. ass.tolong tayangin acara yg bagus-bagus

  65. http://www.indomaffia.eu.tt

    Live MetroTV, Live Trans TV.

    Dan Filem Indonesia… Lihant langsung…
    No Register Required…. Free to Serve you Guys..
    IndoMaffia Supports Indo Community..

    Help keep Domain Alive

  66. info buat semua, kamu bisa nonton trans, metro, tvri, rcti, sctv juga di website ini :

  67. Ups.. Dan banyak film indonesia juga, bisa nonton langsung, ga perlu jadi member.

  68. ah, susah-susah, di http://www.indonewyork.com ada semua channel tuh, antv, rcti, sctv, metrotv, transtv, sampai nonton sepakbola di espn, star sports segala macam kok.

  69. Makasih semuanya….. aq seneng banget ama info kalian. πŸ™‚

  70. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi

  71. ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  72. hi friend in indonesia or oversea..mo watching cinema or sinetron di metro tv or trans tv tanpa problemo? gampang..buka aja windows media player trus buka file-open url-ktik deh mms:// untuk tv yang lain silakan kunjungi http://www.holiday-balitours.com (khusus yang mo tour ke bali nih) he he he

  73. nonton rcti, sctv, indosiar, transtv, trans7, metroTV, jaktv di:


    gak perlu account tinggal pilih channel yang anda suka…

  74. lah smua disini haha,,kayanya ada yang gue knal tuch,,bnyak.

  75. ini apa lagi ya heheh aneh deh main klik ada” lagi internet ni bikin pusing g ada ujungya

  76. assalammualikum

  77. Hey Guys,

    ANTV, DAAI TV, TVone, Space Toon Indonesia
    Radio Sonor, Prambors, Bugis,

    Saya sudah bikin website baru…
    Dan semuah sudah Validated dan double check semua jalan lancar.. Enjoy friends…
    And See you back Soon on IndoMaffia.com (NEW)
    Dulu indomaffia.be indomaffia.info. OLD websiteKu
    Succes Guys

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